We men are an interesting bunch. We love our fast cars, big guns, and BBQ on the tailgate. We play Black Ops II until our thumbs cramp, go shirtless with body paint (or armor and skulls) to our favorite sporting event and engage in all types of extreme activity to push our adrenaline to the edge.
And we love to be successful. Way deep down, inherent in our nature, is an extreme ambition to excel.
This desire to succeed is so powerful that at times, to our detriment, we have pushed beyond the limits of reason or the law to reach our goal. We have even gone as far as to destroy relationships with people we live or work with because we thought the achievement of our goal was more important to our self-worth than that particular relationship.
Oooh…relationships. We don’t do as good with those. (Our female counterparts have a stranglehold on the “Who-Is-Best-At-Relationships” category.) We do, however, live in a relationship-oriented world. It would help us guys, if we realize the relationships we establish and then positively maintain can lead to successful things happening for us. So for those men reading this and who have intentions of entering into the most intimate human relationship of all – marriage – make sure you search for and connect yourself to one of these:
A virtuous wife.
I’ve written here and again here about how relationships success can boost or cripple financial success. I think we see another glimpse of that in the book of Proverbs where we read, “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain” (Prov. 31:10-11). So it would seem for a married man, the level of success he reaches has a correlation with the character qualities of his wife. Maybe this is where the old saying comes from, “Behind every successful man there is a woman.”
How or why does a virtuous woman bring gain or success to her husband? When you read verses 12-31 of Proverbs 31 you find the answer. This type of woman:
1. Never undermines her husband by creating bad situations for him (v. 12)
2. Is a shrewd and industrious businesswoman (v. 13, 16, 19, 24)
3. Will go out of her way to get the necessities for life (v. 14)
4. Provides for those close to her (v. 15)
5. Takes care of her body and treats herself well (v. 17, 22)
6. Is perceptive (v. 18)
7. Cares about others who are in need (v. 20)
8. Has prepared in advance for tough circumstances (v. 21)
9. Speaks with wisdom and kindness (v. 26)
10. Is not lazy (v. 15, 27)
Because of this woman’s character and support as co-leader of the home, the passage says that her husband is known in the gates of the city where he sits with all the other leaders. That sounds successful to me.
I am thankful my life has been blessed with this type of person. I am positive without her, I could not have reached my current level of success. Thanks Mrs. Luke1428.
Men: How has your wife contributed to your success?
Women: How do you feel about the Proverbs 31 woman? Does she inspire or intimidate you?
P.S. Thanks to my 10th grade Bible class for helping me with this post. You guys rock!
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thanxs for the shout out.
I too am thankful for being blessed with a woman like this. For various and many reasons I am a much “better” person because of her. I am so thankful that she puts up with my boneheaded ways and still loves me in spite of them.
Agreed. We do tend to mess things up on our own quite a bit.