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What Should I Do For My Birthday Today?

Birthdays come but once a year. Today just so happens to be mine. And with it comes the obligatory question, What should I do for my birthday?

Some birthdays seem bigger than others. When I was a child, my birthday ranked right behind Christmas as the most important day of the year. I’d look forward to March 7th each and every year because it meant parties and cake and presents. I mean, what child doesn’t like to have those things on Christmas or their birthday or on any given day of the year?

what should i do for my birthdayNow, at 43, there is not so much gifting. There are fewer parties. Sometimes there is cake or perhaps a night out – if a babysitter can be found. More than likely though, the kids just come along on said night out.

The decade birthdays draw a bit more attention like when I turned 40. But for the most part I’m finding birthdays in middle age pass quietly without much fanfare.

And I’m OK with that.

A few months ago I spent some time with my grandfather, just a few weeks before his 102nd birthday. As we sat down to dinner one night, the conversation turned to a discussion about things that had occurred during the last year that we were thankful for. I’ll never forget his response when it came time for him to answer.

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On My Birthday, I Have So Much to Be Thankful For

Hidden Nuggets #31 – “Oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for his goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” – Psalm 107:8

things to be thankful for“I remember like it was only yesterday when you were born…”

Some time today, I’ll get a phone call from my mom who will start the conversation with the above sentence. She usually does call to say “Happy Birthday”, so I’m not expecting this year to be any different. Mom, if you are reading this, I’m waiting.

I don’t know how you feel when that annual day comes around. Some are more unique than others I suppose. Last year was a big one for me. Now, I’m just treading water again, slowly inching upwards for nine years to the next important milestone.

I do reflect a little on my birthday to see where I’ve been and how I’ve grown in the last year. I also project, thinking about what lies ahead in the months down the road. However, the biggest thing I do every year is spend a few moments in silent reflection thanking God for all the blessings He has poured out on my life.

Things to Be Thankful For

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