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Emotions and Investing Do Not Mix

Today I’m guest posting and commenting at the personal finance blog Frugal Rules. Click the link below to read about why emotions and investing don’t mix, including some boneheaded investing mistakes I’ve made through the years when my emotions got the best of me.

emotions and investingSome things fit perfectly together. Peanut butter and jelly. Batman and Robin. Yellow and blue. Separately they have value. When combined they create something extraordinary.

The same cannot be said for emotions and investing. Like oil and water, they simply don’t mix. There is no place for emotion in the investing world if you want to have success.

My Emotional History With Investing

I started investing in 1996, just after my wife and I were married. It was the height of the 1990s bull market run that saw computer, technology and Internet stocks in particular soar to record highs. A company could go public one day and be at $200 a share the next without ever making a single penny in profit. (That’s a slight exaggeration but accurately defines the lunacy of the time.)…

Click here to continue reading at Frugal Rules

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