Four times in my life I’ve been able to experience the truth of this Bible verse:
“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
Each time I was moved to the point of tears as that new life came into the world. To think I helped create a completely unique person was very humbling. More than that, it was overwhelming, knowing that a large part of who they would become depended upon my parenting skills.
Psalm 127:4 goes on to say that children are, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior…” The thought about parenting here is clear…the warrior is me, the parent. Just like a warrior breaks the stillness of the air and sends his arrow toward the mark, so parents are to raise children so they fly straight and true to hit the target.
But what target do we want them to hit? And why? How will we get them there? Will I know if I’m succeeding?
Those type of questions often leave parents confused and prompt us to make some poor decisions.
I’m talking more about this today as I guest post for Cat Alford at Budget Blonde. I’m very excited for Cat who has just become a new mommy to twins. Visit her site now and read my article entitled:
“The Evolution of Parenting: Are We Pressing Our Kids Too Far?”
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Next Post: Pain and Suffering Is No Excuse to Quit Moving Forward
Prior Post: Spring Break – Glorious Rite of Passage or Undisciplined Waste of Money
I’m going to check this out now. Thanks for sharing!
I’ll be sure to head over there and check it out!
So happy to have you ! Great discussion going on already! 🙂
Thanks for having me Cat! Love hearing other people’s perspective on this issue.