Hope for your financial life and beyond

I’m Losing Sleep Tonight For a Worthy Cause But Never Will Over Money

Tonight I’m going to do something I haven’t done in a long time – losing sleep by voluntarily pulling an all-nighter. The last two legit occurrences happened over 20 years ago in college while I was studying for finals. Then all it took was the fear of failing, a couple sleeves of Pringles and a two-liter of Mountain Dew to pull me through the wee morning hours.

losing sleepNow, at 42, I’m not sure all the Jolt Cola in the world will do the trick. The old body ain’t what it used to be. But I’m gonna give it the old college try.

Why would I put myself through this? Well, it’s for a worthy cause.

It’s a lock-in…at our church…for the youth group.

Some of you are wincing (or laughing) right about now knowing what I’m about to go through.

They need events like these every once in awhile though with crazy, sometimes chaotic fun. It will be memorable, which is what you want out of your teen years.

As the youth leader, I don’t mind losing sleep for this cause or any other worthy cause for that matter. But what I’m really thankful for that I’ll never lose sleep over money related problems. Because…

Debt keeps you up at night.

No savings keeps you up at night.

Emergencies, kids medical bills and high college tuition keep you up at night.

Figuring out how you’ll pay the mortgage or for healthcare keeps you up at night.

Facing retirement with few assets to draw on keeps you up at night.

You Don’t Have to Be Losing Sleep

The good news is you don’t have to face any of these. I don’t anymore. Through some financial re-education, intense discipline, wise planning and a bit of good fortune, my wife and I now…

Are out of consumer debt…

Have adequate savings…

Can handle and are prepared for emergencies, medical bills and college tuition…

Have paid off the mortgage and can fund our healthcare and…

Are investing for retirement at a solid pace.

With all these things in place I sleep very well. Worry does not play tricks with my mind and make me toss and turn under the sheets.

Of course, this didn’t happen overnight. Our journey has been a long one filled with its own share of ups and downs. But getting to this point has been worth the sacrifices and I can’t imagine being in any other state of mind.

You too can get there. And while you’re in the journey try not to let money related problems keep you up at night. Let go of the worry and realize it’s a process you just have to work through at whatever pace you can. Relax and be at peace…it’s OK…you’ll get there.

Questions: Are you losing sleep at night thinking about money? What’s your biggest financial worry? How have you overcome worrying about money? When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter?

Image at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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  1. I think almost everyone I know has lost sleep over finances at some point and it is awful. I totally agree that you can change this by changing your spending and getting rid of all debt and having a sound plan for the future. We’re working towards early retirement now, and although we’re preparing hard and have been for a long time, when it comes time to commit, I will probably lose some sleep again too! 😉

  2. I used to pull all nighters all the time at NASA. I don’t miss it! Well, I miss NASA but not the odd hours…

    I am so glad that finances don’t keep me up at night. I feel for folks who have it so tough that they literally lose sleep over their situation. But if you are going to be up, don’t just worry! Pray. Pray. Pray some more. And start working on an action plan!

  3. Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank says

    Brian, nice job! That is really worth it to do for the youth and good cause. By the way, nice perspective about money. I am in debt and I wouldn’t want to waste sleep over it as well. What this problem needs is solution, not another problem (sleepless night).

  4. Luke Fitzgerald @ FinanciallyFitz says

    We chose right from the get go in our marriage to never worry about finances. (Fret for a few minutes? Yes, but not worry). This is the primary reason we follow a monthly budget. The fear usually stems the feeling of the uknown. By consistently following a written plan, we’ve found it to be impossible to be left with that feeling. Reminds me of the quote, “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”.

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