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My Goals for 2013

2013 GoalsA few days ago in her post “How to Stick with an Exercise Program,” Jordann at Making Sense of Sense noted that one key to following through with an exercise goal is to share your intentions publicly. There is great power in making our intentions known because it makes us accountable to attempt the follow through.

Sharing goals also connects us to others. When I read how someone is working through the process of pursuing a goal, it inspires me. It gives me encouragement to know that others have faced similar challenges and were able to overcome them.

With that in mind, I would like to share my goals for 2013. Not all of them fit into a category on the SPLASH Goal plan I outlined in my last post. But I believe they are basically SMART goals that will be of benefit to me this year. So, in no particular order:

Goal #1: Read through the entire New Testament of the Bible and the book of Proverbs by May 31st

This is my spiritual related goal for the first half of 2013. I know is seems like a long time to complete this one but I’m doing it slowly, a couple of chapters per day. Sometimes less each day is more.

Goal #2: Pay off our mortgage debt by the end of the year

This is our big ticket financial goal for the year. It will push our monthly budget to get this done but we are really looking forward to being a debt free household.

Goal #3: To support Mrs. Luke1428 as she obtains her CPA license and MBA by December, 2013

You are probably thinking, “Wait this is your wife’s goal?” True enough. But it has also been a total family goal for the past two years now. The kids and I have sacrificed a lot for her to pursue this dream. We are excited where her new career is taking her and will continue to support her through another year of preparation and study.

I’m considering this one as my attitude goal for the year. I will need to be a positive influence in my duties around the house and an encouragement to her as she pushes through the final stages of this process.

Goal #4: To run a half-marathon in under 2 hours, a full marathon in under 4 hours and run 1,000 miles for the year

I’ve done 3 half-marathons but none of them under two hours. I’lI have my shot at this one in March at the Publix Half-Marathon here in Atlanta. I have not registered for a marathon yet but am looking for something anytime in September through November. Have any suggestions on a location somewhere in the Southeast? I’ve done the Atlanta Marathon and want to try something else if possible.

I ran about 750 miles last year so I think I can reach 1,000. I will basically have to average 20 miles per week to get this done

Goal #5: Redo the Luke1428 blog design by August, 2013

I’m considering this one my professional goal on the SPLASH plan. After six months of blogging, I’ve realized what I want my blog to look like and what content I want to offer on it. So I’m planning on a redesign and maybe a name change. I like Luke1428 but I’m not sure the name helps define what my site is about.

I will begin to layout the structure of the new design now but will probably wait until the summer to make the change when my teaching duties are done for this school year.

Goal #6: Join a local running club by March 

I have really enjoyed running for the past two years. It has become a part of my life. I want to be involved in an organization that will allow me to connect with others who share the same passion. Fortunately there is a great running club in a town about ten minutes from where I live. I’m considering this my social goal for the year.

I’ll be doing regular updates on these throught 2013.

Do you make it a habit of publically sharing your goals? What is your big ticket goal for this year?

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Next Post: I’m at the Top of the Hill…Should I Go On?

Prior Post: Developing a SPLASH Goal Plan

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  1. AvgJoeMoney says

    I like how your goals are all in different parts of your life. Cool stuff. I’m a runner who never did a marathon before two years ago. Now I’ve completed seven. That’s mostly because of the great group of friends I’ve found to run with. ….so, so, so much easier with friends.

  2. Money Beagle says

    Those are great goals and if you manage all of them, it will be a year that’s hard to top. Keep updates coming, it’ll be fun to see the progress and if anything changes throughout the year.

    • Yeh…you never know what is lurking around the corner waiting to jump out and derail your progress. Hopefully it will be a year without many surprises. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. John S @ Frugal Rules says

    Good post! I could not imagine getting an MBA & CPA at the same time. I remember getting my MBA and it was brutal. Kudos to you & your family. Our big goal this year is to put away a substantial amount into a SEP IRA.

    • It’s been a little crazy the past two years but will all be worth it soon. We also are doing more into IRAs this year. We both have Roths but my wife now has access to a retirement plan through work where contributions are matched by the company to a certain point. Sweet!

  4. Great post Brian……Good luck with what you have laid out!

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