A philosophical debate in the existence of absolute truth sounds like a discussion for theology class. In fact, that’s what has been taking place in one of the Bible classes I teach at our private Christian school. The questions we have been exploring are polar opposites of one another:
“Is there an absolute truth that is valid for all people regardless of era, culture or circumstance?”
“Are all things relative? Does truth exist only in the person’s individual experience and based in their view of reality?”
Deep, I know.
I’ve been thinking about this for some time in relation to personal finances. To fully disclose, I do believe in absolutes and think they can be found in many areas of life, especially in mathematics and the sciences. Absolutes do not have to be limited to theological discussions.
So why can’t there be absolutes about money and the personal finance world – things that are universally true for all people no matter the culture or circumstance?