Have you ever received praise from someone because of a great personal success and then downplayed why that success came? In other words, do you discount or make excuses for personal achievements when people applaud you? I find myself continually tempted to do this even though I know it’s damaging.
Last month I had my most successful day and month ever on this blog…more page views and revenue than I realistically thought possible considering what I’m doing. When my wife complimented me on a job well done I assumed my best Floyd Mayweather stance and went into defensive mode.
“Well, if it hadn’t been for this and this and this then…”
“It really wasn’t anything I did, it was because…”
“It was just one month…I don’t think it will carry over.”
I sucked her praise right out of the air.
I didn’t accept it.
I didn’t acknowledge it.
Instead I downplayed it and swatted away her alley-oop praise pass.
Why Do We Act This Way?
You’d think we would relish the chance to be recognized for worthy achievements. I love awards and a pat on the back as much as the next guy. But why do we become a downer in the moments immediately after receiving praise for a success?
Perhaps it’s because…