Today I’m guest posting at The Heavy Purse, a blog that focuses on parents teaching their kids about money. Click the link below to read the rest of this post.

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I’ve had the privilege for the past 17 years to be engaged in a challenging and never-dull career, the educational instruction of teenagers. Until giving up my high school teaching position recently to become a stay at home dad, part of my instructional responsibility was teaching Basic Economics and Personal Finance classes. I used some really good material over the years, including the high school curriculum published by Dave Ramsey’s team.
My economics classes were enjoyable enough. The students were able to understand the historical trends of economics, the basic concepts of supply and demand, and how governments can promote or hinder economic growth. I would say as a whole, that class was met with only average, C+ levels of enthusiasm.
But mention the words “Personal Finance” and the kid’s eyes would light up…
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Interesting, but where are you getting 8% every year from? Where are you getting it this year? Are you including years like 2008 where you go down 500%? Maybe it is too sophisticated for the high school student, but showing a calculation of 8% continual growth is not really realistic. Just a thought.
Wow, its great to hear that the kids eyes would light up at personal finance. I have a passion for the topic, but I haven’t always found kids the most excited about it. Thanks for sharing this interesting post!
I think it all goes back to relating it in some what to what interests them…making a connection with the topic and what makes their motor tick. The same could be said of any subject matter really they are required to study.