Hope for your financial life and beyond

Check Your Debt Emotions at the Door

Getting out of debt and moving towards a cash based existence can create a lot of emotional turmoil. Today I’m guest posting at The Debt Myth about my experience with just such a move.

There is a door waiting for you to walk through. It leads to a land of contentment where you can live without fear of creditors dialing your number. There will be no late fees or interest payments in this land and the money you make will be 100% fully yours.

This place I speak of is known as Debt Free Land. It exists…it really is out there.

I navigated the path to this land and have been living peacefully here for the last year – 100% debt free, payments to no one.

But it wasn’t an easy journey. There were many obstacles and emotions I had to overcome along the way. In fact, the most difficult part was simply starting…

Click here to continue reading at The Debt Myth…

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