Lets assume that you’ve finally decided getting out of debt is a priority. You know that saving money in the monthly budget by cutting expenses is a key component to the debt payoff process. But where do you start? What is the best place to start chopping away at your budget?
Not all categories are created equal. For some expenses, you can find money savings quickly. Others are going to take a little more time and effort. Some budget cuts will be easy to endure while others might lead to some family frustration at the lack of spending for that category.
In order to better identify the best places to save money in the monthly budget, I’ve created what I call the “Headache Factor Formula.” This equation takes into consideration three factors that are each scored on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being positive and 5 being negative. The lower the cumulative score of the three factors the better when determining where to start saving money first.