Tired of where you work? Looking for a new job? If so, you are not alone. We have all “been there” at some point in our lives.
In fact, in 2102 the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a study that tracked the number of jobs people born in the years 1957 to 1964 held from ages 18-46. They found men held an average of 11.4 jobs and women held 10.7 jobs. I can only imagine those numbers will be considerably higher for those born more recently, to whom a mobile and transient culture has become the standard of life.
If you want a different job though, don’t jump the gun. That could be disastrous on many levels, including landing in a spot that’s not a good fit. Instead take your time and go through an evaluation process that covers these six big areas.
Initial Steps to Finding a New Job
The next job is out there waiting for you. But before you land it, slow down and follow these steps: