Hope for your financial life and beyond

This Alternative to Christmas Gifts Was Our Best Decision Ever

alternative to christmas

Are you looking for an alternative to Christmas gift giving? I get it. Christmas is one of the highlights of our family's year. In my mind nothing beats it for family togetherness and sharing expressions of love through giving gifts. Even with that … [Continue reading]

15 Bible Verses to Remind Us to Be Thankful

thankful bible verses

I'm am thankful Bible verses exist to keep me thinking the right way. I often forget how many things I have to be thankful for. It’s much easier for me to let the worries and frustrations of life overshadow all the blessings I enjoy. Doing that only … [Continue reading]

When It’s a Challenge to Say I Am Thankful for You

i am thankful for you

Have you ever reflected on people who meant a great deal to you a long time ago? Sometimes these people fade from our memories as time passes. We may have lost track of them and forgot how much they impacted our lives. It would be great to reconnect … [Continue reading]

Why I’m Thankful for First and Second Chances

We've all had moments in life when we were granted first and second chances even though we probably didn't deserve it. Remember that first big break? Can you relive the feeling? You were emotionally on cloud nine after being given your first chance … [Continue reading]

Why Parents Should Never Give Kids Money for Good Grades at School

A+ on notebook paper

Parents (and some schools) have often given money for good grades as a tool to motivate their kids to do well in school. During my years as teacher and principal at several private schools, I've known about it happening at all levels, from … [Continue reading]

Secret Advice For Teenagers Who Love to Spend Money

secret advice

You know who you are - a teenager who loves to spend money like it’s going out of style. You spend money faster than it takes a Snapchat to disappear. Money comes into your hand one minute and flows out like water the next. And you like it that … [Continue reading]

God Places Us For A Purpose – Find Yours

Are you sick and tired of your job? Wish you could win the Mega-Millions Jackpot and escape to paradise, never to work again? If so, maybe some reflection and a new perspective is in order about your purpose from God. What you may not realize is … [Continue reading]

Home Maintenance Items Landlords Should Do Between Tenants

home maintenance

As a landlord, I would love to keep tenants in my properties forever. While some stay a long time, most eventually leave to seek housing elsewhere. This is either by personal choice or through an eviction. Whenever that time comes, it’s the … [Continue reading]

7 Tips on How to Handle a Teenager’s Car Accident

car accident

Calls in the middle of the night are never good. Neither is the one when you say “Hello” and your teenager is crying on the other end. Your heart immediately drops because you are scared and know they are hurting. That was my experience anyway when I … [Continue reading]

Should I Cosign? Here Is the Truth About What God Says


“Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge, one of those who is surety [ cosign ] for debts.” – Proverbs 22:26 If you’ve ever had a situation where a friend or family member asked you to cosign a loan, you know it’s a tough spot to be … [Continue reading]

The 10 Best Summer Jobs for Teens and College Students

summer jobs for teens

Memorial Day marks the official beginning of summer. For teens and college students that means one of three things. Either you are: a) continuing school by choice (to get ahead) or out of necessity (because you failed)… b) looking for a summer job … [Continue reading]